Darrell Driver -

Darrell Driver:
am Native Utahan, I started to have an interest in Art when I found out I could not draw, that was in 10th grade @ Brighton
High School. Since then I have acquired many many sketchbooks, and have tried
all mediums of art, coming to find myself comfortable in Aerosol/Airbrushed
mixed media. When I was experimenting in Aerosol art I used Freight Trains as
my Canvas, over a few years I have many of my "pieces flowing across the U.S.A.
Currently I have enjoyed
drawing Animals dressed in Business attire i.e. an Ape dawning a 3 piece sports
coat. I have a Lovely Wife and 3 children of which I always show/involve
them in my art projects, I love to see their reaction. My Art theme for 2010 is
"Grand Scale" I plan to do quite a few bigger projects, with high detail.