Sponsor / Donate
Contact us if you'd like to donate for the silent auction or if you'd like to
join our sponsorhip team.


Why sponsor? Why donate?
The 4th annual
fundraiser, Submerged in Art, will be held this year on March 29th
and 30th, 2012 in the Sugarhouse area. Submerged in Art is a
gathering of Art and Music to benefit the Road Home homeless
shelter. As you know, financial support is extremely important to the Road Home,
as they rely on donations to provide services in the community that are greatly
The "Submerged" Charity Art & Music Gathering attracts more attendees each year,
but we also depend on the added support of our friends in the business community
who supply us with exciting auction items. Would you be willing to donate either
a gift certificate or merchandise from your business to be used as a silent
auction item?
If you are able to support in the form of an auction item donation, someone from
our committee can provide you with a tax-receipt for the value of your donation
and can also pick up your donation when available. It is a win/win situation
when the Road Home benefits from your donation and you receive the goodwill
which comes as a result of your generosity.
The 2010, 2011 and 2012 gatherings raised thousands of dollars for the Road Home, due
in large part of the generous support of individual donors who believe in our
mission, as well as gifts from businesses and corporations like yourself.