Jorge Arellano -

Jorge Arellano: website
Born in Taxco, Gro. and raised in Mexico City, He moved to Salt Lake City in the late 1990’s, leaving all the things that were passionate to him behind, family and friends, music and art. Jorge started to paint stencil graffiti at a very early age, small paintings, clothing mostly for friends and a few walls on the streets. Jorge never knew what it meant to him as an artistic expression, he just did it for fun and to escape from a crude reality that was living as a punk rocker in a very judgmental society.

Once settled in Salt Lake City, he stopped doing all the things that kept him sane, but after several years, he went back to the music, playing in two punk bands and the desire to paint again came just in time.

“I love stencil graffiti. I started very young without thinking how important it would become to me. Now I'm back with great ideas. I love the work of the originators. How long ago? the emerging artist, the innovators and I'm always waiting for the new generations of stencil graffiti artist to show their talent from all over the world.”