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Jesse Parent is a poet, an improviser, a former mixed martial arts fighter, a computer nerd, a husband, a father, and, above all, a human being. According to the results of the 2010 Individual World Poetry Slam, he is also the 2nd ranked slam poet in the world.

Jesse entered the world of performance poetry in December 2006 after touring for a few years with the poetry/music/improv show he created called The Hook. He has been on the 2007, 2008, 2009, and 2010 Salt City Slam teams, was the coach of the 2007, 2008 and 2010 Salt City Slam teams, and is the current slammaster of Salt City Slam. He also sits on the executive council for Poetry Slam, Inc., the national body behind the National Poetry Slam, Individual World Poetry Slam, and Women of the World Poetry Slam.

In his professional life, Jesse is a software engineering manager at a company that provides products and services that help the deaf and hearing to communicate. In his personal life, he has a very tolerant wife and three adorable kids